MagicMirror – Voice Control

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I just startet to implement some basic voice control by using annyang for my MagicMirror. Since annyang uses the Google APIs for speech recognition I do not really want the mirror to send a constant audiostream to Google, instead I plan on using my facial recognition system to toggle the voice controlling. If a face is detected in front of the mirror it will be turned on and if not it will stay turned of. Right now you can only ask the mirror what time it is and it can tell you some Chuck Norris jokes but of course I will be adding some more useful stuff soon.

You can find the code here: MMM-Voice-Control

Categories: DIY Projekte, Spiegel


  1. Great news, thanks for the update 🙂
    I was wondering if you can share a bit more information about the (state of) the face recognition extension. Do you plan any updates on that? Thanks & keep hacking 🙂

    • Hi Sebastian,
      I am waiting until the module API has been worked out so that I can easily make it available, see github for progress. I would love to work on that myself but I am a Python guy and not experienced enough in JavaScript for that 🙁

      • OK, I see. Thanks for the quick reply! Maybe I can help a bit. Still trying to decide which existing project I’ll use for my mirror. I was looking at Evan Cohen’s “smartmirror” recently, which seems like a good approach (with a really active user base) as well. IIRC you also had an eye on that, at least you posted in one of the feature requests, right?

        • Yeah but I haven’t really used it yet. I don’t really want to leave the project I started my mirror yet :/

          • Sure, leaving that will be tough 🙂 I really like the electron-based approach really much (and I’m not that experienced with PHP), so I’ll probably pick Evans project. The good thing is, both have big parts of the logic in JS and thus people should be able to transfer specific parts from one project to the other quite easily. This one seems interesting aswell (especially the hardware part makes me curios…), but it´s Android based…
            Exiting times ahead 🙂

          • Yeah electron is interesting but there already were some discussions about removing all the PHP code on Michael’s version as well, maybe it could be moved to electron as well after that. I am especially looking forward to the module system though I sadly can’t help because my JavaScript experience is not really well enough for that however I can’t wait to port my code over to that system! 🙂

          • Michaels mirror now also uses electron 🙂 see my current post!

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